State of New Mexico election and campaign process, party politics, and legislative organization and procedure.

State of New Mexico election and campaign process

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PowerPoint slides 8


Topic: State of New Mexico election and campaign process, party politics, and legislative organization and procedure.

Details: Slide 1: information on gerrymandering and its impact (or lack thereof) in your state.
Slide 2: New Mexico party organizations
Slide 3: Campaign methods for New Mexico candidate/incumbents
Slide 4: the makeup of New Mexico state legislature (e.g., gender, age, profession)
Slide 5: the party issues in New Mexico
Slide 6: the legislative institutionalization of New Mexico
Your slides or presentation should include explanations of the aforementioned points. Please do not copy and paste lists of senators and representatives into your slides.

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State of New Mexico election and campaign process party politics and legislative organization and procedure.

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