What research method do the authors use to address their research question?

Midterm Report – Journal Article Review Exercise

Style APA
Number of words 619
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


Topic: Midterm Report – Journal Article Review Exercise

Details: Summary:

In this assignment, you will use an article database (such as EBSCO, JSTOR, etc.) to select an article (published in 2010 or later) from a peer-reviewed sociological journal (such as the American Sociological Review). You will then respond to a series of questions to extract information from the article you choose.
The maximum length for this assignment is 3 pages, double spaced. You should have no problem filling three pages if you adequately complete each part of the assignment. At the same time, you should write your responses clearly and concisely, which is why there is a maximum page limit instead of a minimum. You will need to submit your responses to the questions through this page, as well as a PDF copy of your article on a separate page in this module.

Prompt Questions:

Address each of the following questions specifically and in order. You will need to be familiar with the textbook chapters we have covered to complete this assignment successfully:
In your own words, describe the primary questions(s) presented in the article.
Describe the primary theory or theories discussed in the literature review. How are
the authors of this article expanding upon this theory or theories?
Does this article have a hypothesis (or multiple hypotheses)? If so, what it is? If not,
what do you think it would be?
What research method do the authors use to address their research question?
What is/are the independent variable(s)? Why does this make sense?
What is/are the dependent variable(s)? Why does this make sense?
In your own words, what are the primary findings made by the authors?
What are three of the most challenging aspects of reading this article? Why?

Tips On Finding An Article:

The LAVC Library’s website has many helpful resources including a series of pages to help you search academic databases https://lib.lavc.edu/c.php?g=993940&p=7192037(Links to an external site.)
and even specifically to find a peer-reviewed journal article https://lib.lavc.edu/c.php?g=993940&p=7192037#s-lg-box-23845786(Links to an external site.). You can even chat with a librarian to help you search for an article!
I’ve created a quick video to help you navigate the Library website’s resources https://laccd.zoom.us/rec/play/8kdxVC1Pd8tK_fGvt2qZo41Y1NsBXv-WSjoI0Csqa_8YfY6i5Yi_my-iRW9xy3DyivGMure3jWaqaxF5.U9zRB_8ISFeMDN78?startTime=1601947345000&_x_zm_rtaid=UFCJEBFETOWunoaXAnjJIA.1615784781439.57ee35593c603d18e3e1743c7785f185&_x_zm_rhtaid=810Links to an external site.). To help narrow down your search for this assignment, I’ve also created a video on how to use an advanced search to find a peer-reviewed article on a topic.Gentil et al.(Links to an external site.). Here is the example of an acceptable article Actions
that I found in the video.

There are many peer-reviewed journals, many of which have been in publication for decades, so you have a lot of content to choose from. Here are a few examples of the better known peer-reviewed sociological journals:

American Sociological Review
American Journal of Sociology
Social Forces
Social Problems
Sociological Perspectives
Social Science Journal
Ethnic and Racial Studies
Gender and Society
Once you’ve found an article, here is a quick video on how you might format your responses https://laccd.zoom.us/rec/play/QbKLrUCPOzQ2H-6t8CJB5cbhN32CHhDexylG1rrY57ynnmC7Ni5EDRtWPO9f9gNn9HiJpVcSGsx_XwD4.yKO-35R9hSbE4Boy?startTime=1602551546000&_x_zm_rtaid=UFCJEBFETOWunoaXAnjJIA.1615784781439.57ee35593c603d18e3e1743c7785f185&_x_zm_rhtaid=810(Links to an external site.). Here is less quick video about how you might begin to extract the information https://laccd.zoom.us/rec/play/aICNxaab8h0Dn-RBv03tA2z23KZBZN12WdB4_IQ1PrGoouW28vC4bWa0EA6S64LyczNwgsBfOu28eKMq.Dlw3NUPC-Tkb-Oao?startTime=1602552038000&_x_zm_rtaid=UFCJEBFETOWunoaXAnjJIA.1615784781439.57ee35593c603d18e3e1743c7785f185&_x_zm_rhtaid=810(Links to an external site.) from your article to address these questions.

In order to grade your Midterm Report, I need access to the peer-reviewed journal article you wrote about. Please submit a PDF of your article here.

You can receive five extra credit points toward your paper grade by providing evidence that you sought feedback on a draft of your paper from either the https://www.lavc.edu/writingcenter/home.aspx or https://www.lavc.edu/VirtualValley/Student/Student-Online-Resources.aspx’s Paper Center & Live Writing. These resources are available to all LAVC students. To receive these points, you need to submit either a PDF or screenshot of the feedback provided to you either by the Writing Center or NetTutor. Check out their websites for more information, and I’m happy to address questions you may have as well.

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