What made the “Double V Campaign” of the 1940s different from W.E.B. DuBois’, “Close the Ranks Movement” of 1918?

What made the “Double V Campaign” of the 1940s different from W.E.B. DuBois’, “Close the Ranks Movement” of 1918?

What made the “Double V Campaign” of the 1940s different from W.E.B. DuBois’, “Close the Ranks Movement” of 1918?

~Do you think these differences made “Double V” more or less successful than its earlier counterpart? Why?

~Your job is to use these primary sources to develop an argument about what made the “Double V Campaign” different from its First World War counterpart and whether these differences made it more effective. There are many ways to present this
argument. You might identify one big difference that you explain over a few paragraphs, or you might notice a few smaller differences that you explain in your own paragraphs. Neither way is inherently better than the other, nor is there one
specific answer that I’ll be looking for. Instead, I want to see your ability to use evidence to make an argument. As you can see in the rubric, you’re being graded on how well you construct and explain an argument. Therefore, you’re not really being graded on what you argue, but more on how well you argue.

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What made the Double V Campaign of the 1940s different from W.E.B. DuBois’ Close the Ranks Movement of 1918


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