How did you or the teacher score the assessment?

Need a Clinical Guide Observation Done

Style APA
Number of words 1171
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0

Guided Clinical Experience

Complete the following steps and observations. Write your responses on a separate document and submit the file along with your Lesson Plan Template to your course instructor.

Part 1: Pre-Assessment (Domain 1)

1.Pre-assess students – Speak to your clinical experience teacher and select one of the following:

oCreate and administer a pre-assessment

administer a teacher-prepared pre-assessment

oObserve a teacher administering a pre-assessment

oCollect pre-assessment data from your clinical experience teacher

2.What assessment was used? Describe the assessment, detailing why it was chosen and how it aligns with the content area standard(s), lesson learning goal(s), and objective(s).

3.How did you or the teacher score the assessment?

4.What does the data tell you?

oWhat were the students’ key areas of opportunities and strengths?

oHow can these data inform your future instruction?

oProvide a graphic representation of the results.

Part 2: Instruction (Domains 2 & 3)

1.Create and deliver a lesson to learners in a small-group or whole-group setting (one-on-one instruction may also be an option if group instruction is not available).

2.Answer the following questions about the learning environment and instruction:

how will you create a positive and respectful classroom environment? What specific modifications and adjustments will you make to the learning environment to accommodate all students?

oWhat are your expectations for student engagement for your lesson?

oWhat routines or procedures will you implement to facilitate your lesson delivery?

oBased on your analysis of pre-assessment data, what instructional strategies will you implement to teach your objectives?

3.Complete the Lesson Plan Template outlining your approach.

Part 3: Post-Assessment (Domain 3)

1.As part of your lesson delivery, conduct a post-assessment to determine the extent to which students met the lesson objectives. Select one of the following:

oCreate and administer the post-assessment

oAdminister a teacher-prepared post-assessment

oObserve a teacher administering a post-assessment

oCollect post-assessment data from clinical experience teacher

2.What assessment was used? How did you or the teacher score the assessment?

3.What does the data tell you?

oWhat were the students’ key areas of opportunities and strengths?

oHow did the students perform on the post-assessment in relation to the pre-assessment?

oHow can post-assessment data inform your future instruction?

oProvide a graphic representation of the results.

Part 4: Reflection (Domain 4)

Record your observations and thoughts on your lesson delivery in an informal anecdotal record or journal. This record does not need to be APA-formatted but will accompany the submission of your paper.

Consider reflective questions such as: What went well? What didn’t go well? How did you feel? How did the students respond? What could you do differently?

Write at least a 700-word reflection of your instructional experience based on these observations. Include the following sections in your paper:

1.Analysis of results

oDid students master the lesson objective(s)? Why or why not?

oWhat explanations do you think may account for the results? How can this explanation be supported by theory or research?

2.Reflective practice

oWhat opportunities may I have missed?

oWhat would I do differently next time?

3.Educator dispositions

oReflect on your planning and lesson delivery and the dispositions of effective educators outlined below. In what areas did you do well, and how can you continue to develop in all areas?

§Professional competence and responsibility

§Professional and collaborative relationships (valuing diversity)

§Critical thinking and reflection
This is the lesson plan that I did to go along with it

Requirements: minimum

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How did you or the teacher score the assessment

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