Compare characteristics of appropriate research designs and the recommended qualitative research design.


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Compare characteristics of appropriate research designs and the recommended qualitative research design.

Qualitative research focuses on the understanding of a query that is humanistic or an idealistic approach. The qualitative method of research was mainly used in psychological studies, mainly when they found it tedious to evaluate human behavior in a numeric format. There are three broad categories of qualitative research, theses include Observational studies, interview studies and documentary/ textual analysis of various written records (Vibha, P., et al 2013).

Qualitative research has three designs or theories that are used for or during research, these include Constructivism- Interpretivism, Critical Theory, and Post positivism. These three primary designs each have their own individual characteristics that help guide in the decision as to how one should use them for research.

Constructivism-Interpretivism states the reality is structured through interactions between a researcher and the research subject.

Critical Theory is defined as a social theory oriented towards critiquing and changing society. The aim is to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that keep individuals from a full and true understanding of how the world works.

Post positivism is subjective of reality, it moves away from the objective standpoint and adopts the logical positivists. It advocates methodological pluralism and is based on assumptions that the method is applied in a particular study should be selected based on the research question that is being addressed in the study.

For this scenario, I would recommend the post-Positivism paradigm as an appropriate method to use. The reason for this selection is that the post-positivism incorporates the quantitative research which is already included in the study, and it more applies to the scenario than the other two. Additionally, I would recommend interaction with students regarding what they prefer and what method they would like to incorporate in getting them involved in interactive discussions.

Reason for the recommended approach

The reason Post-Positivism was selected is due to the researchers taking the quantitative data and incorporating the qualitative data to the study. Interviews are normally chosen but based on the scenario questionnaires were used to collect data and used to determine the reason behind the data established. Furthermore, is strives to understand the reason for the chose made which was presented from the quantitative portion of the research.

Evaluate the articles and describe the assumptions researchers have to set aside

The beginning of researcher’s qualitative study they may have set aside their assumptions about students not enjoying the interventions provided. The study was designed to highlight the use of these interventions to capture the students attention to participate more in discussions, for this they may have set aside the students not being positive towards discussions. The articles are inclusive and have included the primary aspects of qualitative research such as ethical concerns or considerations which is specific to the qualitative research and additional methods used in the study to conclude their results or assumptions.

The review recommended quantitative design and explained how it differs from the qualitative design

The recommended quantitative design is Pretest Posttest design, this is an experiment where the measurement is taken before and after the study. This design can show the effects of some type of result on the group however, pretest-posttest design is quasi-experimental and the participants are assigned or chosen randomly. The experiment uses a large group of participants and mostly conducts the quantitative research method. However, the quantitative research which is Post positivism paradigm or design usually uses questionnaires, interviews, or personal answers in order to understand the reasoning behind the numerical or statistical results of the study and it would incorporate a smaller amount of participants, or dim size the group of participants which is the opposite to the quantitative design.

Identify the ethical considerations or concerns.

The important ethical consideration would be informed consent. Informed consent is need for both researcher and participant to understand the research; what it entails, how long it would be, what the benefits are, the reason for the research, how the research would be used and where would the research be used. Another concern would be bias, is the resulting bias or are the bias of the questions to each participant. The other concern is the instructions being consistent and equal across the board, are the questions changed or is the instructions changed or altered to fit a criterion can be of concern? It is good to have the instruction remain the same to not confuse the participants.


Vibha, P., Bilavini, J., Sanjay, K., Qualitative research. Perspective in Clinical Research; Mumbai Vol 4. Iss,3. 2013 July-Sep. DOI:10.4103/2229-3485.115389

Ponterotto JG. Qualitative research in multicultural psychology: philosophical underpinnings, popular approaches, and ethical considerations. Culture Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2010 Oct;16(4):581-589. doi: 10.1037/a0012051. PMID: 21058824.

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Compare characteristics of appropriate research designs and the recommended qualitative research design.


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