What ethical issue has arisen?

What ethical issue has arisen?

Case Study – Ethics
Research internet, newspapers, and business magazines for a corporate case that has
attracted media attention due to ethical issues. Write an ESSAY to address the following
points using the case you chose.
1. Provide an overview of the company’s background, i.e. its business operations,etc.
2. What ethical issue has arisen? Clearly explain the ethical dilemma faced by the
involved parties.
3. Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholdersthat were impacted by the ethical issue.
4. Was the decision made by the involved parties ethical? How would the business be
positively/negatively impacted by the decision? Explain your answer.

The ethical issues under consideration do not necessarily have to be accounting related. You
can choose either an Australian or international corporate case, but the case must be
reported by the media after the year 2010.
Other requirements
Length: 800 words excluding references.
Structure: use essay structure (i.e. introduction + main body + conclusion + reference list).
Formatting: standard 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, and side margins 2.5 wide.
Referencing: all sources (i.e. the work and ideas of others) cited and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. You need to provide both in-text references and the reference
Your essay will be marked taking into account:
– Your ability to find out relevant materials.
– Your ability to identify and explain issues.
– Your ability to apply relevant concepts to analyse issues.
– Your writing skills.
You should get to the point and avoid wordy repetitions(i.e. be succinct and clear). You should
reference the appropriate paragraphs of relevant regulations/standards or other sources you
refer to. You must avoid copying or stringing together lengthy quote leaving little said in your
own words.


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What ethical issue has arisen


1078 words


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