How has it impacted your consciousness?

Topic: Personal Narrative

Style MLA
Number of words 1725
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0

Personal Narrative

Write a personal narrative about an incident or period in your life that is caught and held in the meshes of your mind. Why is that incident or period unforgettable? How has it impacted your consciousness? How has it contributed to your evolution and growth?


Please refer closely to the rubric provided in the Syllabus before turning in your writing. You will be graded based on the criteria specified in the rubric. When writing the personal narrative, be sure to embed the 5 elements of the Plot in your writing. The 5 elements of the plot are listed below.


Provide the background in the exposition – how old were you at that the time when the incident took place; what was your mindset like before that incident happened; what was your relationship like with your parents/friends prior to the incident happening; what was your personal/professional life before the incident occurred; what was the social-cultural-political climate at the time before the incident occurred. Essentially, in the exposition, you will be providing the background before the incident occurred. Please write the exposition in detail so you may provide a convincing background to the story.

Rising Action

In the Rising Action, the conflict will seep into the story and break the status quo. Please write in detail about how conflict (problem) found its way into your life and how it upset the status quo, impacting your life deeply. You must mention the emotional upheaval that the problem brought into your life.


In the climax, the problem would have reached the hilt. Mention how you felt pushed against the wall due to the overwhelming anxiety that the problem brought into your life. In the climax, you must show how you took a decision to combat the problem. This is very important. You must share the DECISION that you took to counter the issue. It can be any decision – you decided to fight it, evade it, or seek help from others to counter it. Even deciding to NOT TAKE ANY DECISION about the matter is a DECISION. YOU MUST MENTION WHAT DECISION YOU TOOK TO COMBAT THE PROBLEM. It may be a hasty decision, an impulsive decision, a brave decision but some decision has to be presented in the climax.

Falling Action

In the Falling Action, you will show how you dealt with the aftermath of the decision that you took in the climax. If you took a hasty or impulsive decision, mention how you came to regret it. If you took a wise decision, mention you felt relieved in the Falling Action. Essentially, in the Falling Action, you will present the consequences that you had to face as a result of having taken the decision that you took in the Climax.


In the resolution, mention how that incident has left an indelible imprint on your mind; what lesson did you learn from that incident; do you feel you are better equipped now to deal with similar situations; if something like that had to happen again in your life, will you deal with the situation in the same fashion as before or take a different approach to solve the problem. The resolution must present a reflection and must present what the incident has taught you.

Besides the 5 elements of the plot, be sure to embed the three rhetorical appeals in your paper. The 3 rhetorical appeals are 1. LOGOS (logic), 2. ETHOS (Credibility) and 3. PATHOS (Emotion). Essentially, your narrative must be logical, credible, and streaked with emotion for it to be successful.

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How has it impacted your consciousness


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