What did you learn from these readings?

Indigenous Voting Rights


Krista Catron, “Native American History of Voting: Events and Experiences of Indigenous Women’s Voting,” Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies, 2019 (click on the folder for PDF).

Joshua Eferighe, “How Voter ID Could Be Suppressing the Trans Vote,” Ozy, March 25, 2020. https://www.ozy.com/news-and-politics/how-voter-id-could-be-suppressing-the-transvote/290870/

What did you learn from these readings? what kinds of considerations do these readings bring up and how do they relate to other content we have covered in the course so far

The suffrage movement and the Karen

Knock down the house discussion that I did

The Trouble with Prince Charming

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What did you learn from these readings


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