This discussion will be centered around the chapter except for the Download chapter by Arnold De Leon

This discussion will be centered around the chapter except for the Download chapter by Arnold De Leon

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This discussion will be centered around the chapter except for the Download chapter by Arnold De Leon and chapter four from the book Republican Protestantism in Aztlan by Dr. Orozco.
You can find chapter four by clicking this link here Download here.

This is just to give you a brief taste of early Chicano historiography as well as a look into the racial attitudes that Anglos brought with them to Mexican Texas and other areas of the Southwest.

The two readings complement each other so consider one necessary in order to understand the other as reading them both will give you a better picture of what was going on in terms of racial attitudes along with political aggression against Mexican Texas.

Initial Reply
This should be easy but your post should be crystal clear and explain the reading from your point of view.

In your initial post please discuss what you think are the three main ideas of each assigned reading. You have to come up with three for each book.

For each central idea, you pick out please include a quote with a page number from the book that illustrates that point. For number 4 I would like you to detail what your muddiest point was. Meaning what was the most difficult thing to understand? For number 5 create a really good discussion question for someone from class to answer.

5 things you will be discussing in your initial post:

Central idea 1
Central idea 2
Central idea 3
Central idea 1 (other reading)
Central idea 2
Central idea 3
Muddiest point for each article (what you didn’t understand)
Interesting discussion question for each reading (2 total)
*Each peer reply needs to be at least one paragraph in length for full credit.

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This discussion will be centered around the chapter except for the Download chapter by Arnold De Leon


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