How does this compare to other teams you’ve worked in?

How does this compare to other teams you’ve worked in?

Please evaluate your work, the members of your team, and the team as a whole. Your comments will remain confidential, so please feel free to be as honest as you like.

1. In general, how do you feel the team worked together? How does this compare to other teams you’ve worked in?

2. What was your individual contribution to the project?

3. What was each team member’s contribution to the project?

4. Were there any specific obstacles your team had to overcome? How well do you feel your team handled this situation?

5. Were there any members of your team you think deserve special consideration, either positive or negative?

6. Is there any other information you’d like to tell me about how the project went for you and/or your team?

There is no minimum or maximum word count for this evaluation, but try to provide enough information to evaluate your team’s performance. This will help determine whether each member of the team has earned the same grade.

To evaluate yourself and your team, use the Team Evaluation Template in Canvas.

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How does this compare to other teams you've worked in


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