Do you think that nurses knowing now how caring for COVID-19 patients might affect them would continue to care for COVID-19 patients?

Topic: Discussion Reply 2

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Details: Please reply to these 2 discussions and answer the cosmic question posted, and provide 1 reference and in-text citation that is from years (2016-2021) for each post reply.

Post 1 (Andre):1.

What type of qualitative approach did the researcher use?

Phenomenological approach. (Sun, p. 593)

2. What type of sampling method did the researcher use? Is it appropriate for the study?

Purposeful sampling method. It is appropriate for the study because they are chosen based on preselected criteria relevant to the research. (Sun, p. 593)

3. Was the data collection focused on human experiences?

Yes. Because the questions asked were based on the nurse’s experience dealing with COVID patients.

4. Was issues of protection of human subjects addressed?

Yes, the issue was addressed by providing adequate psychological intervention to prevent harm and the study subjects were allowed to withdraw from the study at any time. (Sun, p. 593)

5. Did the researcher describe data saturation?

They didn’t describe data saturation but they did address that they interviewed the nurses who met the inclusion criteria until the data was saturated.

6. What procedure for collecting data did the researcher use?

Individual interviews were used. (Sun, p. 593)

7. What strategies did the researcher use to analyze the data?

Colaizzi’s phenomenological analysis method (Sun, p. 593)

8. Does the researcher address credibility (can you appreciate the truth of the patient’s experience), audibility (can you follow the researcher’s thinking, does the research document the research process) and fittingness are the results meaningful, is analysis strategy compatible with the purpose of the study) of the data?

The researcher addresses credibility slightly because of the limitations of the sample size and didn’t get the opinion of other healthcare workers. The researcher does document the research process. The research is meaningful and it fits the purpose of the study.

9. What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Qualitative studies).

Does the amount of deaths versus survivors have an impact on how the nurse working with COVID positive patients copes with the demands of the pandemic?


Sun, N., Wei, L., Shi, S., Jiao, D., Song, R., Ma, L., … & Wang, H. (2020). A qualitative study on the psychological experience of caregivers of COVID-19 patients. American journal of infection control, 48(6), 592-598.

Post 2 (Lacola):

1. What type of qualitative approach did the researcher use?

The qualitative approach that was used in this study was the phenomenological method. Which is a process of learning about shared experiences that were lived by the participants (Marshall & Rossman, 2011). The study researchers used more specifically Colaizzi’s phenomenological method (1978) which identifies meaningful information and organizes it into themes. (Sun, p. 593) (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, p. 104).

2. What type of sampling method did the researcher use? Is it appropriate for the study?

The method the researchers used was the purposeful sampling method. This method is appropriate for this study because the population selected is the objective of the study. Also, the participants of the study were handpicked and not random because of the specific criteria the study was looking for. (Sun, p. 592)

3. Was the data collection focused on human experiences?

Yes, human experiences were the focus of the data that was collected for this study. The study was geared towards getting a personal account of a selected group of nurses who provided care for patients with COVID-19 and how caring for those affected them mentally and or physically. (Sun, p. 593)

4. Was issues of protection of human subjects addressed?

The issue of protection of the human subjects was not addressed in the study. The only reference to protection was about the information that was collected being confidential but did not elaborate any further. The study did not mention anything about wearing face coverings, being socially distant from the subjects doing the in-person interviews and if the rooms were sanitized before and after the next interview was conducted.

5. Did the researcher describe data saturation?

The researcher was able to achieve data saturation by figuring out the common themes that were displayed among the study participants. This means that the researchers were able to narrow down the data that was collected and found to be no more patterns that could come from the data. (Sun, p. 595)

6. What procedure for collecting data did the researcher use?

The researcher made sure that the 40–60-minute one-on-one interviews were conducted at a time that was convenient for the participants. The interviews were conducted in a space that was free from interruptions, these interviews were recorded and deemed confidential. There were also telephone interviews that were conducted. Each participant had at least 2 in-person interviews and 2 conducted over the phone and at different various times and participants could withdraw from the study at any time if they should change their minds. (Sun, p. 593)

7. What strategies did the researcher use to analyze the data?

When it came to analyzing the data, the recorded interviews are first transcribed and then analyzed using Colaizzi’s phenomenological method. This includes 7 steps that are taken to identify the information that is meaningful and get those ideas organized. (Sun. p 593-594)

8. Does the researcher address credibility (can you appreciate the truth of the patient’s experience), audibility (can you follow the researcher’s thinking, does the research document the research process) and fittingness are the results meaningful, is analysis strategy compatible with the purpose of the study) of the data?

I really enjoyed reading this study and I feel that the researchers were able to capture the real and raw experiences of those nurses who participated. The study was able to show a relationship and similarities between how treating COVID-19 patients are influencing their physical, emotional, and psychological everyday process that caring for COVID-19 patients can have on that nurse. This study is very fitting for the times that we are living in now. I feel there are not a lot of personable accounts being told about what a nurse or healthcare team must deal with daily during this COVID-19 pandemic. And being that we are still fighting this fight almost a year later I would be curious about other studies that are being done what also touches on the effects of this pandemic in the healthcare field.

9. What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Qualitative studies)

My cosmic question? Do you think that nurses knowing now how caring for COVID-19 patients might affect them would continue to care for COVID-19 patients?


LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier.

Sun N; Wei L; Shi S; Jiao D; Song R; Ma L; Wang H; Wang C; Wang Z; You Y; Liu S;Wang H; A qualitative study on the psychological experience of caregivers of COVID-19 patients. American journal of infection control.

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