Each student will choose a personal health behavior to “change” that will be the subject of this assignment.

Social Science Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Each student will choose a personal health behavior to “change” that will be the subject of this assignment. You may also decide to change someone else’s behavior (e.g., a relative or a friend).

for four (4) weeks, students will be advised to complete a journal about the progress on the behavior change. Students are expected to detail any strategies and the outcomes of these attempts within that week. Your journal can include your progress for the week (i.e. measurements, are you reaching your goals), strategies you are using, any barriers you encountered, how you overcame (or plan to overcome) those barriers, and relate your progress to peer-reviewed research or course material. Journals will not be submitted for grading.

BCJ Report: After the four weeks of behavior change and associated journals each student will write a 1-to-2-page “report” including 1) the description of the behavior they selected to change, 2) chosen strategy or strategies they opted to implement to facilitate the change, and the rationale behind their choice (should relate to research and/or course content), 3) critical evaluation of their effort, and applied implications for the future career. The report should be APA formatted including 12-point times new roman font, double-spaced, and citations/references for at least three studies.

Grammar and style

5 pts
Full Marks

0 pts
No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of the chosen behavior

5 pts
Full Marks

0 pts
No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of strategies detailed description of the chosen strategy or strategies students opted to implement to facilitate the change, and the rationale behind their choice (should relate to research and/or course content)

5 pts
Full Marks

0 pts
No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal reflection critical evaluation of their effort and applied implications for future career

5 pts
Full Marks

0 pts
No Marks

5 pts

Total Points: 20

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Each student will choose a personal health behavior to “change” that will be the subject of this assignment.


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