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see the requirement

Read “The Art of Decision Making” and “What Are the Odds We Are Living in a Computer Simulation?” by Joshua Rothman, and turn in two HRs.

each summary about 400-450 words




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The art of decision making and computer simulations


 Decision making is a Process that involves making choice between two or more Possibilities that are of benefit to you. In this case, one weighs which alternative will work best and chooses it. The result of decision making is usually arrived at after a thorough consultation; the best choice among them is made. Through this, you are able to achieve the goal and accomplish your mission.

Summary 1

Once you are born to the day you are buried, life is a process that involves a lot of decision making actions. In a daily basis, a person is faced with many situations that are similar and he has to choose on which way to go depending, on the benefit of the situation. Much of the life choices are Dependent on the needs of a person. 

(1,309 words)

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