Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts.

Assignment 4.3


1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Watch the video, “TEDx: Problem-Oriented Policing: Where Social Work Meets Law Enforcement” and/or read the Problem-Oriented Policing Transcript.pdf file.

3. Read the article, “Black Lives Matter: Differential Mortality and the Racial Composition of the U.S. Electorate, 1970–2004.”

4. Review the assessment criteria in the grading rubric below to understand the grading guidelines for this discussion.

5. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts. Your initial post should be 200 to 300 words long.
a. Based on what you observed in the assigned video and reading, what are your thoughts on the program discussed.

b. The program in the video is “thinking outside the box”, what is an example of a social action opportunity in your community that would improve understanding among different (diverse) populations (not the intervention you have been writing about in your assignments)

c. Reflect on how these social welfare issues affect your community.

6. Your initial post is due by the fourth day of the workshop.


The community is Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is a diverse community with a very high Burmese population.

4.3 Discussion- Organizing Around Diversity (1)

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Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts.


312 words

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