Based on the reading and the videos, describe the difference between equal treatment versus equal outcomes or equality versus equity.

Responding to Injustice


1. Read in your textbook The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students, review Chapter 6, “Organizational Context of Practice.”
2. Review Garthwait, Chapter 17, Leadership for Social Justice.
3. Watch the videos, Equity and Equality and Social Justice Isn’t Justice.

4. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following questions:

a. Based on the reading and the videos, describe the difference between equal treatment versus equal outcomes or equality versus equity. Give an example of how both sets of ideas could be important at times in social work and why.

b. Discuss your thoughts on whether social workers, society, or groups need to choose between equality or equity as the solution to address injustices. Are both concepts valid? Why or why not? What risks are involved in overemphasizing one or the other in all circumstances? Give an example.

c. Give an example of how you see the approaches of equal outcome versus equal treatment, equality versus equity or justice versus social justice being applied to an issue of with a population at your agency or of concern in the field of social work? Which best represents the focus of the advocacy efforts or interventions being made? What is the goal or end result being sought based on this focus? Describe these clearly and specifically.

d. What other variables, may contribute to the issues, problems or inequalities being identified with the population you have chosen? How should recognizing these other variables impact how social workers should approach advocacy for this group or the focus on equality versus equity, opportunities or outcomes?

e. Justice that is not grounded in truth may be well-intentioned but not lead to the right results. Discuss how truth and justice, should be combined and applied to the population you have identified and provide your rationale.

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Based on the reading and the videos describe the difference between equal treatment versus equal outcomes or equality versus equity.


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