You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove?

You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove?

You will need a good, comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove? Keep in mind that the purpose of this assignment is to support a claim, which means you must do more than merely inform the reader. You must take a stance on your topic and make/support claims that go beyond mere facts) and at least three supporting details (how will you prove your point?).

You might use this as a guideline in crafting your thesis:
(Reason 1), (reason 2), and (reason 3) prove that (add your claim).

(1. Children who play violent video games exert more aggression than their counterparts who are not exposed to these games) because (2. children often imitate their experiences as a natural learning process) and (3. the violence they see in video games desensitizes them to violence in the real world); however, (your claim: increasing the ages allowed to play certain violent games may prove to decrease childhood aggression).
Remember to apply the concepts you’re learning in the course, including elements of grammar, punctuation, thesis development, and other skills.

Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 800 words. However, you should aim for a minimum of 1,250 words. All length guidelines are excluding the Works Cited page.

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

Your first and last name
Course Title (Composition I)
Assignment name (Research Paper)
Current Date

At least four credible sources used and documented in MLA style
Double-spacing throughout
Standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri)
Title, centered after heading
1” margins on all sides
Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.


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You will need a good comprehensive thesis statement that states your claim (what will you prove


1,448 words

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