What are the issues, problems, or policies that need to be addressed?

What are the issues, problems, or policies that need to be addressed?

Topic: Conducting the Research Study
Details: You did my key outline for me for the last order. so this assignment piggybacks off of that assignment.
Assignment Description
Key Assignment Draft
For the Key Assignment Draft, you will identify and fully analyze the topic(s) you have selected to address within Weeks 2 and 3. You may exceed the 6 pages if necessary. You
will identify the problems associated with the topic as well as a specific method of change implementation. You will defend your recommended changes and outline the
anticipated outcome of the promulgated actions.
Note: It cannot be stressed enough the need for defending the actions advocated as well as ensuring that facts stated are wellsupported
and based on appropriate references
and not emotive responses.
Assignment Guidelines
The outline of the paper will contain a breakdown of, but is not limited to, the following questions:
How did you select the topic in terms of its importance to the social community?
Did it come from the media? Why or why not?
What are the issues, problems, or policies that need to be addressed?
Is it an issue, problem, or policy? Explain.
Is it a combination of an issue, problem, or policy? Why or why not? Explain.
What implemented changes are proffered to affect the topic(s) selected?
Be specific with recommended changes.
Match recommendations with the specific component that you are intending the implementation to affect.
How are the changes valid for the topic(s)? (This is the defense portion and should be significant.)
The positions and changes recommended must be defended with logic and facts.
Facts must all be supported with adequate research sources from legitimate references (cite the facts in APA style in the outline).
Without defended recommendations, this paper will have no merit.
What is the anticipated outcome of the changes for the research topic(s)?
Use logic and deductive approaches to the anticipated outcome.
If you can show something to be so, and it relates to the next step, then the deduction will be strong.
Remember that if any of the arguments in deductive logic are false, then the outcome cannot be valid.
A minimum of 8–10 appropriate references must follow the outline.
This is the backbone of your decisionmaking
It cannot be stressed enough that your references need to be from legitimate academic and scholarly sources and must be sound in their scientific acceptance.
Use academic search engines if you are using the Internet.
Do not use simple Internet searches.
Do not limit yourself to Internetonly
resources if possible.
The references must be written in APA style for a reference page. Each reference should be followed by a short paragraph that describes what this reference source is
going to contribute to the research.
Citations are appropriate in the outline from the references that you have provided. Citations will be in APA format.
Note: If you are able to do this outline in just 6 pages, then the quality needs to be extremely high. While it is a 4–6 page minimum, it is recommended that you stop when you
meet the goal, not just because you got to 6 pages.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Mays; Ruddell: Ch. 1114
Assignment Objectives
Design and present effective presentations utilizing current technologies
Develop critical thinking and problemsolving
skills, and demonstrate those skills in activities, which may include weekly discussions, presentations, case studies, or a
capstone paper
Research and evaluate a position regarding an issue, problem area, or policy, and effectively defend their position using researchbased
Other Information
Unit 4 Individual
Assignment Overview
Unit: Conducting the Research Study
Due Date: Wed,5/6/20
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 150
Points Earned:
Deliverable Length: 46
Type: Individual Project
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Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
My Work:
Online Deliverables: Submissions
Develop critical thinking and problemsolving
skills, and demonstrate those skills in activities, which may include weekly discussions, presentations, case studies, or a
capstone paper
Research and evaluate a position regarding an issue, problem area, or policy, and effectively defend their position using researchbased
Here is the last assignment:
Conducting the Research Study
• Law enforcement agency take part in ethnic profiling when they found their activities in national origin, religion, race, and ethnicity rather than objective evidence or individual behavior
• The levels of law administration-from counterterrorism may conduct ethnic profiling to local units- and it may happen amid serval policing activities like border control and identity checks (Legewie, 2016).
• But racial or ethnic profiling-aiming at individual persons or groups the grounds of their outward looks-comprises the unlawful discrimination Under the United States as well as international law.
Thesis: This analysis focuses on evaluating racial profiling in the US

A. Affected Persons
• Immigrants and minorities communities in the US have recorded case of discrimination from the law enforcement agency
• The Open Society Justice Initiative has recorded prevalent profiling in the US and other parts of the world
• In the US, racial profiling persists to be an egregious and widespread type of discrimination
• Law enforcement across the US regularly stop Latino and Black men for no reason
• From 2001, racial profiling has turned out to be prevalent in South Asian, Arab, and Muslim communities (Legewie, 2016).
• Equally disturbing are local laws on immigration that attracts fecund profiling of Asian-Americans, Latinos, amongst others supposed to be aliens following their accent or appearance
• This shows that among the impacted persons include those individuals with color
• For instance, the US has continuously witnessed cases of systematic profiling of African Americans in pedestrian and traffic stops (Teasley, Schiele, Adams & Okilwa, (2018).
B. Federal Government and Racial Profiling
• The federal government’s sustenance of unparalleled attacks on workplaces and migrant networks with the help of local law enforcement in partnership with the Federal bureau has aimed at Latino racial groups specifically (Teasley, Schiele, Adams & Okilwa, (2018).
• These laws and policies have unfairly increased the purview of a diluted fundamental faith in the police department, estranged migrant communities, and formed a climate of anxiety
• Anti-immigrant pomposity has resulted in an intense rise in hate offenses against as well as ethnic profiling of Latinos (Teasley, Schiele, Adams & Okilwa, (2018).
C. Is Racial Profiling A Tactic?
• Racial profiling is perceived as a counterproductive, ineffective, and unjust act
• When the police handle or perceive a community or specific group as suspects, they victimize many innocent persons. They have a high chance of missing the offenders who may not align with the profile (Legewie, 2016).
• Dependence on racial profiling may not enhance the hit frequency, inferring that the percentage if identity checks or stops and rummages that resulted in official law enforcement activity (for instance, arrest).
D. Impact of Racial profiling
• The direct impact of racial profiling is the tendency of leading to the victimization of innocent people among the racial group. When the police target everyone in the community or group, the innocent are likely to suffer in the process, and this is the infringement of human rights (Lu et al., 2019).
• This act is perceived as a form of inequality in society, targeting individual cultural groups and associating them with specific crimes is a form of inequality which must not be tolerated in the US
• Finally, the act has led to the criminalization of children
• Racial profiling is the act of discrimination against particular racial groups in society
• This is perceived as a threat to the justice
• Furthermore, it creates a sour relationship between the targeted community and other groups in the community as the former is frequently pigeon-holed

Legewie, J. (2016). Racial profiling and use of force in police stop: How local events trigger periods of increased discrimination. American Journal of Sociology, 122(2), 379-424.
Lu, S., Han, Z., Hung, M. C., Xu, J., Xu, Y., Zheng, P., … & Kang, Y. (2019). Racial profiling harms science. Science (New York, NY), 363(6433), 1290.
Teasley, M. L., Schiele, J. H., Adams, C., & Okilwa, N. S. (2018). Trayvon Martin: Racial profiling, Black male stigma, and social work practice. Social work, 63(1), 37-46.

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What are the issues problems or policies that need to be addressed


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