Describe how having a high level of “grit” might benefit you.

Describe how having a high level of “grit” might benefit you.

PART 1: Considering YOU, your GRIT, and your SOCIAL NETWORKS
INSTRUCTIONS: Watch two TED Talk Videos and answer questions 1-6. Links to the two TED Talk videos are posted in your BB assignment folder for this week. After watching both, respond to questions #1-6 below. (You may download the document and fill in your answers. OR submit your own document, but be sure to number the questions.) For full credit, answer all questions completely, with elaboration and detail. **A minimum of 75-100 words is required for each answer. See question for details on word count requirement** If you do additional research, be sure to cite your sources.

In the first video, a TED Talk by Professor Anindya Kunda in 2017, Kunda describes an important quality in student success known as “grit”. He cites the research work of his mentor, psychologist Angela Duckworth, on this topic of “grit”. Here is how Professor Duckworth describes grit in her 2013 TED Talk:

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future – day in and day out; not just for the week; not just for the month; but for years…and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it is a marathon, not a sprint.”

Reflect upon your own “grit”. Do you feel you have a high level of grit (as defined above) or not? Give specific examples to demonstrate your level of grit, however high or low you perceive it to be. Describe how having a high level of “grit” might benefit you. (15 pts; 75+ words required; be specific)

(NOTE: On Professor Angela Duckworth’s website, there is a “Grit Scale” you can take to help you figure out your level of grit. As well as a great Q&A on the topic. You can learn more about “grit” at Duckworth’s site here:

While Professor Kunda acknowledges the value of grit in his TED Talk, he argues that students must also “develop their agency, or their specific capacity to overcome obstacles and navigate the system.” This happens by providing students opportunities for success through access to resources, mentors, supportive social networks, and just learning to ask for help. Together, personal grit, as well as social supports, were what propelled Kunda’s students toward their long-term goals.

We all belong to social networks. This is a sociological concept meaning all the connections we have with people directly, as well as indirectly with even more people. We are connected personally and professionally, in face-to-face interactions and/or through various online connections. (Caution: this is more than just your social media friends, however; the value of social networks was being studied long before the internet was invented!). Our social networks include people with whom we are close (like family and loved ones) and also those with whom we are not close (friends of friends or acquaintances). Social networks usually include family, friends, loved-ones, neighbors, co-workers, teachers, classmates, acquaintances, friends of friends, etc.

Consider those people in your social network. Who among them supports you in meeting your long-term goals? Think of that person who challenges you to push through, to keep going, even when times are difficult and work is hard, or when you are struggling to stick to your goal(s). State who this person is and describe how he or she supports you. If you can think of several people who serve in this capacity for you, name and describe each one. (15 pts; 75+ words required; be specific)

Now consider who else you might invite into your social network to help you meet your long-term goals. State who that person(s) is and why you’d like to be better connected with them. (Are there any positive friends you want to surround yourself with…? Someone who could be a mentor…? A family member who works in the field you’d like to pursue…? A professor or staff member at FT who you like and respect…?). (10 pts; 75+ words required; be specific)

Within your social network, think about that person(s) for whom YOU serve as a positive support. (Who do you currently mentor, either formally or informally? Who do you challenge to stick to their goals? If you don’t serve in this role for others currently, who could you help in this way? State who this is and how you have been supportive AND/OR how you could be more supportive in the future. (10 pts; 75+ words; be specific)

Describe what resources are available to you and how you use them to help you meet your long-term goals. (Resources could be workshops, career assessment programs, free tutoring, scholarships, job training, formal mentor programs, money, your own transportation, etc.) What additional resources do you need to take advantage of or would you like made available to you that you are not currently using, in order to meet your long-term goals? (10 pts; 75+ words, be specific)

In our second TED Talk with author and positive psychologist, Shawn Achor, we learned that a positive mindset improves outcomes in a wide variety of areas – including learning. Achor describes the evidence for this positive approach, and briefly shows ways that we can develop a more positive mindset. These include:

a)Practicing gratitude (Emmons & McCullough, 2003)

b)Journaling (Slatcher & Pennebaker, 2006)

c)Exercise (Babyak et al,. 2000)

d)Meditation (Dweck, 2007)

e)Random (or Conscious) Acts of Kindness (Lyubomirsky, 2005)

Consider those five practices for developing a positive mindset. Which of those could you realistically incorporate into your lifestyle (and/or which of those do you currently practice)? Select one from the list to research further. From your research findings, describe how the practice works; exactly what it should look like; and specifically, how you could incorporate this as a part of your regular routine. (Cite your source!) (15 pts; 100+ words, be specific)

PART 2: Considering personal relevancy in your studies: A Reflection on Introduction to Sociology – SOC 210

Which concept, idea, theory, knowledge, etc. did you learn this semester, in this class, that was most impactful for you? And why? (You may write about 1-3 topics or ideas; At least one, and no more than three). (25 pts total; 150 words+ required)

this is 2 video that base on question 1-6


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Describe how having a high level of “grit” might benefit you.


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