Assessment of the feedback meeting summary

Assessment of the feedback meeting summary

I need 2 pages summary about the assessment of the feedback meeting.

  • Assessment of the Feedback Meeting. This is a 1-2 page summary of the feedback meeting. Discuss what went well; what was difficult; how the client expressed their reaction(s); and any changes you would make knowing what you know now

So, I need 2 pages summary about the problem Marcelle has with wine key. Who is involved? What method do we use? What kinds of data will be use and collected?

Focusing on Phase 2 of Consulting which is Discovery and Dialogue.

Consultants need to come up with their own sense of the problem thus this may be the most useful thing they do; dialogue with client. They also need skill in helping clients do the same.

The questions here are for the consultant are:

– Who is going to be involved in defining the problem?

– What methods will be used?

– What kind of data should be collected?

– How long will it take?






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Feedback meeting Summary

`           The meeting between the consultants in this case Favorable Outcomes Consultants, and the client who in this case is Ms. Marcelle, involved the discussion of what the challenges Wine Key Encounters in its daily operations, and the feedback the client got from the customers of its products. In the meeting, there are several things that went well. First, the client presented her challenges well for easy understanding by the Consultant. She outlines her challenges clearly one of them being customer complaints regarding high products prices, competition from rival companies, and customer pains identification.

(618 words)

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