Case study and answer two questions.

Case study and answer two questions.

  • Explain the different types of cultural diversity
  • Explain some of the challenges and benefits associated with working with a culturally diverse team in a virtual environment

Grading Notes:

In grading the assignment, I will be looking at the following items:

  • Quality of writing (grammar and clarity)
  • Design of report
    • It should not be formatted as an academic report, but as a business proposal
    • Do not double-space or use in-text citations (use footnotes where appropriate for citations purposes)
    • Use section headers, titles, bullet points, tables, and the like where appropriate
    • Use 12 point Times New Roman font with 1” margin on all sides
    • Paper should be no less than 3 pages but no more than 5 pages in length
  • Completeness – does it address all the issues listed above?
  • Contextualization – does it consider the various factors of the case in a serious and realistic manner?
  • Practicality – does it provide a realistic solution and clear, action-oriented recommendation
  • Concreteness – does it deal in specifics, rather than generalities?

Only reports that are very well-written, align with the criteria given above in an excellent manner, and read as though they are written as a professional report will be candidates to receive an ‘A’. Reports that do not fully address all of the points given above or fail to meet a formatting standard will automatically lose the opportunity to receive an ‘A’.

Hi Professor,

This is a group assignment and I was assigned to answer the first two questions as I listed. Since this two questions are not related to the case and I think they can be answered without the case, I didn’t put the case in it. If you need this case, I can send it to you.

Besides, there are four questions in total and I answer two of them, I only need to write about one and a half page of single space. That’s why I select three pages of double space. You can submit a single-space file of one and a half page or a double-space file of double-space.It depends on you.

Thank you!

Do you need the case? I will send the whole file to you and you just need to answer the two questions I listed.

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Solution Preview

Diversity Report

Diversity in a globalized society is one of the most critical concepts that anyone within a multinational company ought to understand. The working environment in Germany is bound to have some stark contrasts to that in the United States. Notably, the variations in culture in the different regions form one of the most distinctive aspects, which contributes to the identity in the different locations. Consequently, although one could be used in working in a diverse work environment in the United States, he or she could experience some challenges settling in an environment where he would need to work with employees in different continents. The different types of cultural diversity converge to present the challenges associated with working in an international company as a liaison between different regions, but could all be addressed as long as one anticipates such variations.

(840 words)

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