Change in Healthcare

Change in Healthcare

Analyze the change in healthcare careers since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. How does this shift affect cost and quality in hospitals?

Explore the implications of this shift for hospitals from the perspective of a future employee in a hospital environment. How will this impact your career choices?




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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was initiated so that it could give health insurance to 25 million Americans who at that time did not have an insurance cover. The growth of the health insurance was the principal reason for the increase in healthcare careers. This is because once people got health insurance, more people started seeing doctors, receive precautionary screening analysis, access illness administration assistance, and take medicine that was prescribed (Dyrbye, 2011).

            Also, the need for healthcare amid those who were insured in the past increased since they changed to new insurance policies that were cheaper.

(658 words)

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