Class Diagrams

Class Diagrams

“”Structural Model” In 400 words or more respond to the following:

·Determine the relationships between aggregation, generalization, and association.
·Explain how each type of association is depicted on a class diagram.
·Provide (3) three examples to support your answer.
Cite all sources used in accordance with APA format.

“Balancing the Models” In 400 words or more respond to the following:

·Determine the key differences between an analysis model and a design model.
·Provide (2) two examples or scenario of how an analysis model is clearly used
·Provide (2) two example or scenario of how a design model is clearly used.
Cite all sources used in accordance with APA format

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Structural model
Aggregation includes the collection of things into a cluster. Most of the time the contents and things that are being collected into a group are things and items that are related. Generalization is the reference that is made on some things collectively. This occurs because the things being generalized have a specific situation in common that makes them fall in the same category regardless of the items not being related. This means that the association is on an exclusive basis. An association, on the other hand, is a connection that exists between things mainly because of a joint purpose.

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