Do you think the government regulations go too far?

Do you think the government regulations go too far?

Responding to Amanda

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly source which can include your textbook or assigned readings or maybe from your additional scholarly research.

Responding to Amanda

Option 2: Research government regulations on a particular area of your choice, such as food, drugs, product safety, fracking, environment, etc. Do you think the government regulations go too far? Do you think the government needs to add more regulations? How are lobbyists involved concerning regulations on food and drug safety, and our environment concerning fracking? Explain your answers.

The FDA regulates drugs such as the COVID vaccine. Maragakis & Kelen, (2022) said in an article,” Full FDA approval takes place when enough data demonstrate that the vaccines are safe and effective for most people who receive them.” This is concerning because even though the vaccine may be harmful, people still put their trust in it because the FDA stamped their name on it. The FDA has stated that blood clots and anaphylaxis can occur but try to dampen the ratios and likelihood that it will happen. In my opinion, the FDA needs to add more regulations and make sure that the populations taking any vaccine are 100% safe. I realize that this may be a hard achievement but how can we be told that something is safe when that may not be the case. This goes for other drugs as well. Watch any commercial about a drug and you will see a long list of adverse effects that can happen. There should be regulations that people can not take prescription drugs unless they have already proved that they have tried changing their diet and exercise program, much like they say about women’s health. Women are not allowed to get hysterectomies on command, they must show that they have tried birth control and every other pathway before being granted access to the procedure. The FDA should regulate everyone’s health the same way they do to women and make sure that they try everything they can to get healthy before using any final resort. Lobbyists try to get funding for certain drugs which I think can be detrimental to society. Some drugs are helpful but many are used in place of living a healthy lifestyle. These lobbyists are after money and pushing their products onto the citizens.

Maragakis, L., & Kelen, G. (2022). Full FDA approval of a COVID-19 vaccine: What you should know. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Retrieved February 21, 2022, from

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Do you think the government regulations go too far


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