Critical Thinking Terms Assignment

Critical Thinking Terms Assignment

History 122: Critical Reasoning in History, Spring 2019

Assignment 1: Critical Thinking Terms, worth 50 pts.

Due XXXX, in class hard copy and uploaded here in Canvas.


Define ten terms from the list below. Everyone must define “Critical Thinking” and “Inferred Justification/Motivated Reasoning” as part of these ten terms. After the definition, give one example specific to the topic of the course from the current events or the past (newspapers, films, books, etc.) for each term, much like we have done in class. Please avoid generic or fictitious examples. Explain the significance of each example and how it pertains to the term and definition. You must include a citation for each example, in the Chicago Style. Use the Note (N) style; but for this particular assignment, you can format the definitions and cited examples as indicated below. More on citations can be found at the following URL: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Be as specific as possible for full credit: again, give definitions as well as one example per term and clearly state how the example applies to each term. You can use the same example for multiple terms if it applies, but be certain to explain how so. Consult course notes/readings and “Asking the Right Questions,” chapters 1-6. All relevant materials for this assignment will be covered in class prior to the due date listed above. Please ask any questions as they arise.

For extra credit, you can choose any other term on the list below to define and provide one example for, but this is not a requirement. If you choose to do the extra credit term, you will have 11 terms and examples total. Only one extra term is permitted and it is only applied to this assignment. Please clearly mark the extra term if you choose one.


Here is the required format for each term:

Term: Definition, clearly stated.

Example: Paraphrased and with clear explanation as to how it matches the term and definition.

Citation: Proper Chicago style citation directly below the example.

Some examples may be used for multiple terms if applicable. All must be explained for each term for full credit.

Notice you do not need to use the footnote or endnote function in Word for this particular assignment, but you WILL NEED to do so for all other papers. You still need to cite each example directly to its source (i.e., not YouTube, but to the actual news source). Everyone must do terms 1 and 2. Then choose another 8 for a total of 10.

Here are the terms:

1. Critical Thinking (everyone must do this one)

2. Inferred Justification/Motivated Reasoning (everyone must do this one)

3. Ad Hominem

4. Straw Person

5. Equivocation

6. Obfuscation

7. Non-sequitor

8. False Dilemma

9. Red Herring

10. Appeal to Questionable Authority

11. Ad Populum (Bandwagon Fallacy)

12. Begging the Question (Circular Reasoning)

13. Value Conflict/Value Assumption (one term identification)

14. Slippery Slope

15. Explain by Naming

16. Glittering Generality

17. Hasty Generalization

18. Oversimplification

19. Appeal to Perfect Solution (Utopian Fallacy)

20. Wishful Thinking

21. Rival Causes/Post Hoc

22. Cognitive Dissonance

23. Appeal to Emotion

24. Halo Effect

25. Confirmation Bias


Solution Preview

Critical Thinking: The use of an analytical approach to determine the best possible outcome in a situation.

Example: To determine the ethical issues experienced in particular nursing environments, then critical thinking would include the use of extensive research to develop solutions to the issues presented. Analyzing the information gathered from the research process would facilitate developing ideal approaches when faced with certain ethical dilemmas.

Citation: Kay De Vries and Marek Plaskota, “Ethical dilemmas faced by hospice nurses when administering palliative sedation to patients with terminal cancer,” Palliative & Supportive care 15 no. 2 (2017): 148.

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