Describe the behaviors of the child that an adult might find challenging.

Child Development

Details: Behavioral Guidance and Action Plan Assignment

There are 3 parts to this assignment

After watching the videos listed in the module, select one to write about and develop behavioral guidance and action plan.

Part 1: Write down objective notes about what is happening, as it is happening (like a running script) while you are watching it. Include a typed copy of these notes with your submission (10 points)

Part 2: Reflect on your observations. Describe the behaviors of the child that an adult might find challenging. How might the child’s developmental level be affecting their behavior? What is happening in the video that makes the behavior worse? What is the VOICE of this behavior? Why is this child acting in the way he/she is? What would be an appropriate guidance strategy that the adults could try in this situation? How might the child’s family, culture, or the classroom environment/activities/materials be contributing to the problem? If adults used strategies to modify the behaviors, did they work well? Why/why not? (15 points)

Part 3: Focus on the challenging behavior as a problem to be solved. Examine the context of the problem. Decide what you can change to eliminate the behavior. (Refer to figure 13.2 and 13.3 for more details). Write a formal Guidance Plan using the following format (20 points).

Guidance Plan




Observation of the physical environment (room arrangement, curriculum, schedule, strategies, interactions, and explanation of the behavior (who, what, where, when, why, and how often is the behavior happening)

What I need to do immediately:

How I plan to continue to provide ongoing support for the child:

Make sure to type your notes in 12-point Times New Roman, black ink. Double-spaced. Follow the format, and write with clarity (5 Points) Your assignment should be submitted as a word document file (.doc)

Please let me know in advance of the deadline if you need me to guide you through the process of submitting your assignment.

Sample from Pg. 328 of your textbook

Guidance Plan

Date: September 20, 2019

Child: Jake

Behavior: Cursing

Observation: The purpose or function of Jake’s cursing is simply that it is his way of talking and does not seem to be malicious; he seems to be simply imitating a model. He now seeks our reaction.

What I need to do immediately: Based on observations, the most significant things I can do to support this child are to change our reaction to the cursing. We will stop laughing and set a limit about cursing. We will use substitution to eliminate the cursing.

Ongoing support for the child: We will continue to avoid laughing/reacting to the cursing if Jake uses it for attention. We will provide him with appropriate alternative vocabulary words to express himself. We will share these strategies with parents.


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Describe the behaviors of the child that an adult might find challenging.


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