Final Project Milestone One: Background and Evaluation

Final Project Milestone One: Background and Evaluation


For this first milestone, you will describe each of the two firms you have selected for your final project, including their management and strategic objectives. Your evaluation of the firms will include an analysis of the cash flow management practices of each company for the last three fiscal years—including cash, accounts receivables, accounts payables, fixed assets, and inventory.

To complete this assignment, review the rubric document. Please follow the critical elements in the rubric and do not make plagiarism. I will use the turnitin to check the result and the words should be more than 2-3 pages. Thanks.

In this project, you will complete a comparative analysis of two publicly traded domestic firms within the same industry. You will select two companies that meet the identified criteria. Before you begin to write the paper, please tell me what the two firms are and we must follow the requirement to finish. Thanks.

I thought Apple and Microsoft at first but my advisor said: ” I think that Apple and Microsoft are too different of companies. It really can be any two publicly traded companies that are truly in the same industry. You have to be a little careful when you get into the mega-companies because they start to cross over various industries. So, please take another shot at a couple of companies. ” You can see it.



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Management and strategic objectives for both companies


With headquarters located in Dearborn, Michigan, the company has seen major reforms in management over the last three years, recording a heightened rate of changes in strategic management under Alan Mulally , who introduced the company’s strategy, One Ford Mission (Panmore Institute, 2017). The strategy has caused the said changes in the company’s efforts to align its strategic decision areas to it. Key among these strategic objectives is the ten operations management decisions. The objectives of these strategic decisions include consistency, flexibility and high productivity, locally and globally (Lawrence & Weindling, 1980).

The first one is the design of goods and services with an objective of attaining global consistency, a requirement in the company’s mission. 

(1,230 words)

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