

1. In Turks and Caicos, tourists may gamble with few limitations, but local citizens must prove that they earn at least $75,000 annually before they are allowed to place a bet. What is your first reaction to this? Provide arguments for and against this type of requirement a) from the T&C government perspective and b) from the T&C citizen perspective. Should we have a similar law in the US?
> > 2. Give your opinion: Are gambling companies exploiting vulnerable addicts, or simply conducting business?
> > 3. Provide ethical arguments for and against gambling in a physical building (casino) as opposed to online.
> > 4. Based on what you know about fantasy sports (if you don’t know anything, have a look at the wikipedia entry for it here), what percentage is skill and what percentage is chance? Should fantasy sports be an exception to gambling laws in the United States? Why?

Solution Preview

The government of the two countries seeks to protect the citizens from the adverse implications of betting. The decision by the government to impose few limitations on the tourists is to boost the nation’s attraction as a tourist destination…

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