Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, And Prostitution

Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, And Prostitution

Human Rights, Sex Trafficking, and Prostitution by Alice Leutchag

End Demand: Clip is on home page of website.

Read the article and watch the clip above and respond to the questions below. You can also use other sources which offer information about trafficking to respond to the questions.

1. Describe the economic situation of some of the world’s most impoverished areas where sex trafficking occurs (like in the article).

2. Explain the cyclical impact of the consequences of poverty. How is trafficking fueled by poverty?

Minimum Word Count: 275

Solution Preview
Sex trafficking is a modern-day or human trafficking or slavery where mostly women are made to perform sexual services against their desires which deny them their human rights. According to (Leuchtag, 2003), Siri’s case study is used to showcase how the economic situation…
(319 Words)
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