I need help regarding to my paper question

I need help regarding to my paper question

I have a research paper about Administrative law and I need to submit a research question with a outline. I don’t have a clear Idea about my paper yet but I’m thinking about one area which is related to The Discrimination in The Housing Fair Act.

Could you please help me? provide me with three questions and outline and please provide the questions first if I like it I will let you do in deep to provide the outline. If you have other ideas rather than The Discrimination in The Housing Fair Act I don’t mind.

It must be Significant questions and within the Administrative law.




Solution Preview

The Housing Fair Act
Question 1: What are the classes that are federally protected by the Fair Housing Act?
The federal Fair Housing Act, which is also known as the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Title VIII, protects all Americans from any form of discrimination in buying, renting or seeking finances for housing.

(269 words)


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