Jerusalem Cabdrivers

Jerusalem Cabdrivers

Watch the following video provided by Al Jazeera:

Jerusalem’s Palestinian Cabbies (Links to an external site.)

The first part outlines life as a cab driver. The second part has a lively argument between one of the cabbies and a young Israeli passenger—there are two separate clips of their argument. Take the role of a mediator between the Palestinian cab driver and the Israeli citizen passenger. Tell how you would diffuse their argument so that each individual better understands the other’s point of view.



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Jerusalem Cabdrivers
Cabdrivers in Jerusalem who are Palestine are faced by huge struggles as they try to please their passengers so they can keep riding with them. Being a cab driver is already a daunting task for many drivers across the world. However, being Palestine makes it even more difficult to be accepted as a cab driver in Jerusalem.

(590 words)

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