How you close out the project and report the success of the project to the customer is important.

Week 9 Assignments.

Task 9 Closing Projects

The closure is the final stage of the project management cycle. How you close out the project and report the success of the project to the customer is important.

Investigate closing a project

Read Schwalbe, Chapter 9, Closing Projects
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Review the LinkedIn Learning course Project Management Foundations, Section 9, Close a Project.

Investigate documenting and preparing close-out reports.


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Using Schwalbe, Chapter 9, as a basis, and the template called “Final Report Table of Contents” as a guide, submit a project closure report on your project as if you’d actually executed it.
Lesson 9 Best Practices
Activity 1: Investigate Lessons Learned
Capturing lessons learned is a critical aspect of every project for every organization. We don’t want to repeat errors in future projects, and we do want to document best practices. Read Schwalbe, chapter 10, Best Practices.

Activity 2: Lessons Learned

Once the deliverables have been provided to the client, it is important to analyze how the project went. Often a questionnaire is given to the client for feedback. This questionnaire should be designed to obtain constructive feedback about the project: what went well (best practices), what didn’t – what should we do more of, less of, and what should be avoided in the future. You should consider the technology that was used and its effectiveness, how communication occurred and whether effective, how much the client was involved, and whether this was adequate.
Design a short questionnaire for a lessons learned session. Schwalbe, chapter 9 (pp. 347-350) has an excellent example of a classic lessons learned document.

Activity 3: Agile Retrospectives

Agile SCRUM includes a vital ceremony called the retrospective. This lessons-learned exercise is conducted after each sprint/iteration to capture feedback from the team and the Product Owner that can be immediately put into practice in the next sprint/iteration. Note how the video in Activity 1 presents the lessons learned as a one-time even at the end of a project (or phase). Many months can go by where lessons are lost, not learned.

Task: Submit the lessons learned activity from Activity 2

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How you close out the project and report the success of the project to the customer is important.


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