What is the alignment of feelings and perception to mindfulness?

Week 4

Disc 4

Welcome to Week 4’s Discussion Post! This week we will discuss feelings and perceptions.
As a reminder, the weekly discussion should always be completed first, which means prior to the Task and Lesson.
To begin, Chapter 3 of Being Peace (begins on page 35) on Feelings and Perception
Then, in 300+ words, provide a summary of the chapter. This summary should include a response to the following: What is the alignment of feelings and perception to mindfulness?

Task 4 — Caring for others…and self!

First, read this article on Feeling Joy for Others. It also discusses a podcast. I encourage you to check it out.
Then, think about the following: what did you learn from it and why?; what are the key takeaways that you can incorporate into your daily life? In your professional life? And, how would you communicate the importance of caring for others with family and friends?

Next, view Jon Kabat-Zinn’s thoughts on Compassion and Mindfulness. What are your thoughts?
Then, read this article on the link between Mindfulness and being Compassionate. What does the research say about this relationship? Do you agree? Why or why not?

Now, it’s your turn to assess your own level of self-compassion. Self-compassion is extending compassion to one’s self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. Chen (2018) describes how to give yourself a break, the power of self-compassion in a recent Harvard Business Review article.
Based on your understanding of the concept and Chen’s (2018) article on self-compassion, consider the following:
• How do you respond to a friend when they are struggling? What do you say? What do you do? What is your tone?
• How do you treat yourself when you are struggling? What do you say? What do you do? What is your tone?

• Merge your responses from Steps 1, 2, and 3 into 2-3 page essays and upload it here!

Lesson 4 – Gratitude & Mindfulness

ACTIVITY 1: – Letter of Appreciation
In a recent study, researchers found that those who wrote thank you letters and delivered them reported a significantly improved well-being. First view Jon Kabat-Zinn discusses gratitude and mindfulness.

Then, think of someone with whom you have shared happy moments or someone who has supported you and been there for you. Write them a thank you letter and deliver it to them. In your letter, be sure to describe why you are grateful to have them in your life and explain how their presence has given you growth and happiness

ACTIVITY 2: Oprah & Leadership

Watch Oprah Winfrey’s Uplifting Speech during a leadership conference.
Discuss your thoughts about Ms. Winfrey’s speech by pulling out two salient points. Do you agree or disagree? What elements of her speech could you deploy in your own life?

ACTIVITY 3: Self-reflection journal

Weekly typed reflection journals should reflect on-course experience and practice of mindfulness must be at least 300 words for each entry and should include images, weblinks, and resources utilized over the course of the week to promote reflection or thought.

ACTIVITY 4: Final Project.

This week, begin working on Requirement 5 of your Final Project. The draft version should be uploaded here!
Upload your responses to Activities 1 & 2, your reflective journal for the week, and a draft of Requirement 5 from your Final Project here!

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What is the alignment of feelings and perception to mindfulness


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