reflection of project

reflection of project

Two pages, typed reflection, which outlines the scope of project, explain its relationship to the composition classroom and critical thinking, and reflect on what was learn through the process.(My project is the playlist of song about gender expectation)

– outlines the scope of your project: What were you trying to accomplish?Briefly, what are all the parts of your project?

-Explain its relationship to the composition classroom and critical thinking: In what ways do you see this assignment as a compostion? How do the variuos parts require thinking about organization/struture and how do they tell a story? How or where were you forced to think critically for this assignment?

– Reflects on wht was learn through the process: what did you learn from doing this project? not just about the content of your topic but what did you learn about collaboration and planning?





Solution Preview

Gender Expectations

The project aims to depict various ideas regarding gender expectations in society. Just like books, it is apparent that songs were composed to pass a specific message into society. The overall project comprises of various sections; each explains the meaning or the theme of every song. The first part of the project entails a song titled Just a Girl, which is written by No Doubt (Männle). The writer of the song raises a complaint following many inequalities that are present in society. She explains that there are more rules laid down for girls in the community than there is for boys. It is apparent that the girls are more affected by the regulations in the society that the boys.  The second part encompasses a song titled Fate by NHU.

(627 words)

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