Social norms are unique to different cultures

Social norms are unique to different cultures

Social norms are unique to different cultures. The extents to which individuals endorse and apply their social understanding in their daily lives vary in different cultures. Individuals’ adherence to these social beliefs guides their living. One of the unique characteristics of American culture is adaption of a multitude of cuisines. Whenever you go to a mall, you find food outlets serving cuisines from around the world ranging from pizzas and pastas to sweet and sour chicken and burgers and fries. Even regional foods from various parts of the country, such as Cajun chicken and sourdough bread, are available.

Explain why various regions of the United States have different social norms. Often, television situation comedies depict family life in a generalized, even stereotypical way. Compare and contrast the social norms depicted in television programs with the same social norms where you live.
Explain the reason why or why not the U.S. eclectic dining habits demonstrate the diverse nature of U.S. culture.
Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers and provide an analysis of each peer’s postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

To support your work, make sure to utilize your course and text readings. When asked, utilize outside sources. As in all assignments make sure to cite your sources in your work and provide a reference for that citation utilizing APA format.

Social norms are unique to different cultures. The extents to which individuals endorse and apply their social understanding in their daily lives vary in different cultures. Individuals’ adherence to these social beliefs guides their living. One of the unique characteristics of American culture is adaption of a multitude of cuisines. Whenever you go to a mall, you find food outlets serving cuisines from around the world ranging from pizzas and pastas to sweet and sour chicken and burgers and fries. Even regional foods from various parts of the country, such as Cajun chicken and sourdough bread, are available.

Explain why various regions of the United States have different social norms. Often, television situation comedies depict family life in a generalized, even stereotypical way. Compare and contrast the social norms depicted in television programs with the same social norms where you live.
Social and cultural norms are rules or expectations of behavior and thoughts based on shared beliefs within a specific cultural or social group. While often unspoken, norms offer social standards for appropriate and inappropriate behavior that govern what is (and is not) acceptable in interactions among people (WHO, 2009).

Cristina Bicchieri of the University of Pennsylvania explained that people have certain expectations that come from well-established scripts of how things are (and should be) in the world, and these scripts include shared social norms. Referring to work at the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (Bicchieri and Penn Social Norms Training and Consulting Group, 2016), she defined social norms as rules of behavior that individuals conform to because they believe that most people in their reference group either think they ought to conform to them (normative expectations) or conform to them as a norm (empirical expectations). She explained that expectations are derived from schemata and scripts, with schemata being the generic knowledge of event sequences, roles, and rules that can affect our social expectations (as legitimate and normal); our perception (recall, the inference, and causal attributions of an event); and our emotions. Event schemata are known as scripts, and social norms are part of a script. Bicchieri said that changing violent behavior requires the ability to understand what the script is, to diagnose and measure the social norms that are part of the script, and then to change the script by adjusting the expectation associated with that script. Bicchieri has measured norms by evaluating consensus (i.e., consensus within a community that a behavior is acceptable) and compliance (the conditions under which one would use the behavior). This is implemented through measuring normative expectations (what the responder believes others think he/she should do), empirical expectations (what the responder believes others do), personal normative beliefs (what the responder believes he/she should do), and actual behavior (what the responder does).

Because the United States is so diverse, social norms can vary by family, social circle, community, city, state, or region. One thing to know about social norms in the United States is that there are no concrete social norms. This is for three main reasons: first, the United States’ inception came through a collective of cultures and through time, that cultural diversity has been embraced as one of the United States’ key characteristics. Second, the United States is large and, because of a series of historical events and migrations, divided by cultural regions that each embrace and express different social norms. Third, the U.S. Constitution guarantees certain freedoms that have allowed citizens of the U.S. to declare and establish a multitude of ideas, beliefs, and practices that have come to be understood as social norms. Because of these three things (and other events and circumstances—taking U.S. history classes will help you fully understand why the U.S. is the way it is), people in the U.S. express and embrace a huge array of social “norms”. The most “normal” social attitude in the U.S. as it relates to this phenomenon is to accept the country’s wide variety of social norms. While you certainly aren’t expected to embrace or even agree with every social norm you encounter, you are expected to allow people to live life as they want to live it, even if their way of life seems distinct from or incompatible with your own.

By Annie Rose Stathes


Website: (first question reference)

Explain the reason why or why not the U.S. eclectic dining habits demonstrate the diverse nature of U.S. culture.
Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers and provide an analysis of each peer’s postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our cultures. It becomes a part of who each of us are. Many of us associate food from our childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress. When I was sick as a kid, I couldn’t eat rice because I was too weak, so my mother would cook soup and bring it to bed for me. The smell and taste of the soup became something very familiar to me. Now, whenever I feel tired or stressed, I remember the soup my mom used to make for me and I feel hungry for that soup.

On a larger scale, food is an important part of culture. Traditional cuisine is passed down from one generation to the next. It also operates as an expression of cultural identity. Immigrants bring the food of their countries with them wherever they go and cooking traditional food is a way of preserving their culture when they move to new places.

Continuing to make food from their culture for family meals is a symbol of pride for their ethnicity and a means of coping with homesickness. Many open their own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. For example, some ingredients needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavor can be different from the taste and flavor of the dishes that they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, when immigrants sell food in another country, they do not only sell it to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to alter the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers with distinct tastes and flavor preferences. Alterations to original dishes can create new flavors that still retain the cultural significance of the dish.

The cuisine of the United States reflects its history. The European colonization of the Americas yielded the introduction of European ingredients and cooking styles to the U.S. Later in the 20th century, the influx of immigrants from many foreign nations developed a rich diversity in food preparation throughout the country.

Website: Freely magazine

Title : What Food Tells Us About Culture

Author: Chau B Le January 7, 2017




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Social Norms
Question One
Societies differ from one region to another, with one of the most significant determinants and sources of difference between said communities being their culture and perception of social norms. Notably, social norms develop in any society as a consequence of what people therein determine to be appropriate or inappropriate behavior, and are based on shared belief among

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