Writing a paper about health

Writing a paper about health

  1. Click on the green button that says, “Find Out Your RealAge”.
  2. Click where it says “Sign up” near the bottom of the page. Fill in the required information, then click on the green button that says, “Create an account”.
  3. The first page will ask you about your health interests. You do not have to check any of the boxes (you can if you want). Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the blue “Next” button.
  4. Proceed to answer the questions on each page of the test. You will be asked questions from the following categories: health, feelings, diet, and fitness. The test should take you approximately 35 minutes.
  5. When you get to your results page, take a screen shot that captures your RealAge. This part of the assignment is worth 10 points.
  6. For each of the 4 categories (health, feelings, diet, and fitness), you will write one paragraph that includes the following:
  • One behavior that is helping to keep you young.
  • Explain how this behavior helps you stay young, AND why/how you have incorporated it into your life.
  • One behavior that is making you older.
  • Create a plan to change this behavior for one week.
  1. Conclude your paper by telling me the following:
  • Compare your biological age to your “RealAge”. Are you surprised?
  • Was this assignment helpful to you? Why or why not?
  • What was the most useful thing you learned from completing this assignment?

This part of the assignment is worth 5 points.

Your assignment must follow these guidelines to receive full credit:

  • Typed, double-spaced, 12-pt font.
  • Include these headings to organize your paper: Health, Feelings, Diet, Fitness, Conclusion.

RealAge Rubric


Solution Preview

Health Analysis

Health: The Behaviors that help me Stay Young

            The RealAge test revealed that I am 15 years and 8 months old yet my actual age is 20 years and 6 months. These findings indicate that I look 4 years and 10 months younger than my actual age. The discoveries are as a result of some of activities I undertake that enable me to stay young. One of the behaviors that have enabled me to look young is exercising regularly. Exercises keep my skin soft and glowing, thus, it looks young.

(605 words)

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