Provide information from credible sources to support any claims that you make.


Style APA
Number of words 647
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


You will prepare and facilitate a 4-minute conversation with a fellow classmate, in which you explain some specific person, place, object, process, or concept and provide information from credible sources to support any claims that you make. You must maintain a conversational style throughout the interaction. This project consists of several individual assignments, including submitting a topic for the project, speaking notes and references for your talk, the performance, and serving as a listener during someone else’s talk.

You will prepare and facilitate a 4-minute conversation with a fellow classmate, in which you explain some specific person, place, object, process, or concept and provide information from credible sources to support any claims that you make. You must maintain a conversational style throughout the interaction. This project consists of several individual assignments, including submitting a topic for the project, speaking notes and references for your talk, the performance, and serving as a listener during someone else’s talk.
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Explanation Project Topic

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Provide information from credible sources to support any claims that you make.

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