What is the purpose of the study?

Read article, notes and chapters to answer a few questions

Style APA
Number of words 1115
Number of sources 0
Spacing Double
PowerPoint slides 0


This is a simple assignment. However, if you chose to take this question please read the article and notes THOROUGHLY. Do not copy-paste from the objectives abstract etc, this will result in a zero.

I will attach my notes for this study including the study design etc as well as the corresponding chapters.

*****APA citations

******NO direct quote citations

******Cite the article attached and also cite another reference and use it to aid in answering any one-multiple questions such as a source for the study design etc explaining it (preferably peer-reviewed citation)

****** total citations: article provided + another reference = 2

-Article will be provided

-Questions will be provided

-Reading chapters & notes will be provided:

—-Qualitative Study Design Overview (webpage)



——Skim 3 chapters for info if needed

Read the article answer the questions 8-10 simple questions such as:

1. What is the purpose of the study?

2. Why is the study important?

3. What is the study design?

4. What methods did they use to collect the data?

….. etc

I will be attaching the assignment document, the article, chapters for this week (3), and the notes I have taken this week.

just in case you need it I can also attach previous notes or chapters just let me know!

Also, my professor is a bit of a harsh grader (grammar, spelling, citing, no direct quotes, make sure to understand the content and rephrase accordingly, cite everything, and include an additional reference besides the article)

If you want I can also show you comments she’s made on my previous assignments so you can avoid making the same ones lol

I will attach the names of previous chapters studied so that if you need access to a specific chapter besides this week’s I will also attach it

-Why is the study important might be a good place to add an additional reference!

Ch. 13: Qualitative studies
Ch. 15: Synthesis research
Ch. 26: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

These are the notes from class and the articles, only one part of the assignment is due.

As I suggested part B might be easier! but please be thorough and detailed

Article 9 is corresponding to part B attached!

Also, previous chapters we’ve studied include: –> let me know if you would like me to attach a certain book chapter or corresponding notes given the following titles that may help 🙂

Chapter 1: The research process
Ch. 2: Selecting a Research Question
Ch. 3: Reviewing the Literature
Ch. 4: Defining Specific Aims
Ch. 35: Article Structure
Ch. 7: Overview of Study Designs
Ch. 8: Case Series
Ch. 9: Cross-Sectional Studies
Ch. 14: Correlational Studies
Ch. 12: Experimental studies
Ch. 10: Case-control studies
Ch. 11: Cohort studies

Also for the lesson the professor has given us the following website that may be helpful:

Qualitative Study Design Overview (webpage)


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