Please response to at least three classmates posts

Please response to at least three classmates posts

Please Reply to at least three classmates’ posts.

Please response to at least three classmates’ posts related to HealthCare Emergency Management Field with providing APA citation. You can do this by many ways like showing an interest point and expand more or addressing a personal experience as EMS or discuss an issue in depth with providing real live examples and such n such but please don’t be boring! be respectful and excited to contribute in the class discussion and remember it’s a dialogue so probably another classmates will comment on your reply and so on so forth! hit me up if you have any questions!

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try to provide a reference to each reply, and please make sure you are not copying any of these posts!

A note on Discussion Board etiquette – students are expected to respond to their classmates answers with substantial comments, demonstrating that they are actively engaged in the various threads that will emerge. In the form of ideas, it is appropriate to respectfully disagree with a classmate’s conclusions as long as you are willing to defend your own. It is also appropriate to propose a novel or controversial opinion, particularly if it prompts thoughtful discussion.

Please sis start submitting the the responses as you finish, so you don’t necessary need to submit it all at once, for example you can submit one or two today and one tomorrow, up to you, just try to consider that!



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Please response to at least three classmates posts


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