Introduction to Listening CONCERT REPORT

Introduction to Listening CONCERT REPORT

here is a concert that I need you to listen to an write a report about and I already attached the example for how should the report look like . the second attachment is for the concert options that we need to just pick one to watch and report .

20180722144318summer_online_concert_list (1)

20180722144317mus_121_summer_concert_report_form (1)



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Tchaikovsky’s Symphony no.4


On my honor as a student of the University of Alabama, I, the undersigned, certify that I have attended the concert listed above in its entirety, and that I have honored the tradition of remaining seated and quiet throughout the concert. I also testify that this report was completed by me, using only my own wording and not the wording of another person.


Tchaikovsky’s Symphony no.4 in F-minor began in the spring of 1877 and completed in the same year.  It lasts about forty to forty-five minutes, comprising of four phases with different bars. The first movement consists of 424 bars, the second 304 bars, the third 414 bars and the last movement comprises 293 bars. Its first performance was performed in Moscow, at least the last movement, in the Russian musical Society in February 1878.

(636 words)

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