Synthesis paper

Synthesis paper

Topic chosen : Is social media isolating people? ( China )

Synthesis Paper

Choose a political debatable global issue related to the readings as the topic of your research paper. Topic approved by Professor. This paper will analyze opposing viewpoints on this topic. Both sides of the issue will be examined. 4-5 pages

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Is Social Media isolating People? (China)

The last two decades have seen the advent of the internet and much advancement in various information technologies. One of these areas has been social media. Social media refers to various social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram that allow people to have profiles where they can connect with other people from around the world. Recent research indicates that social media isolates people in many ways. The rise of the digital platforms and the continued penetration of technological use has seen the surge on the number of hours people spend on social media pages. According to one of the statistics provided, at least half of the people on these pages, approximated at 45% have feelings of isolation. It indicates one of the aspects which has been argued, that social media continues to cover the superficiality of human interactions, and despite its continued use, it has led to reduction of social capital and increased sentiments of social isolation, even in communist countries such as China.

(1,116 words)

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